Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love Drop #10 - The Nevins Family

October 2011 – The Triplets

This month we’re helping Jeff and Becca from Indianapolis prepare to bring their new triplets home from the hospital. All three were born very underweight and are currently in Neonatal ICU, but are doing well and will be coming home soon. With four children already, adding a surprise batch of triplets is going to put considerable financial strain on the family, and that’s where we come in!
Let’s help give them everything they need to welcome the triplets home, including diapers, food, furniture, gift cards – any cool baby stuff you can think of. We’re shooting for at least $3,000 in cash, plus gifts. Let’s do this!

Where Your Money Goes

We’re going to direct everything we raise this month toward taking care of these new babies. Jeff and Becca live in a very small trailer home that’s already quite full with four other children. Now with a total of seven kids, it’s a lot to handle all at once. Diapers alone are going to run hundreds of dollars per month! Let’s give them a big supply of those, along with a ton of other baby stuff.
And if you could find a way to help us get them a single-family home, that would be awesome too. ;)
For all of you who have had children of your own, you understand the amazing joy they bring, but also the incredible amount of responsibility that comes with them. It’s always a bit scary (especially financially) to bring a new baby home, right? Now imagine bringing home three at once – wow! Time for us to help out…

heartWhy We’re Helping This Family

Even though these two don’t have much, they still give back as a family. Becca will often cook extra food for dinner and invite over other kids from the neighborhood to help feed them when they don’t have enough to eat.
It’s a tough time financially for Jeff and Becca right now, and many of us have been there before . . . uncertain about our children’s future, let alone our own. But now that we’ve made it through, it’s a great time for us to extend a helping hand to them, and let them know that everything will turn out okay.
    Let’s surprise the Nevins family with a GREAT Love Drop this month!

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