Sunday, November 15, 2009

*Book Of Interest*....Silent Killers by Linda Pannett

This is a true story of a mother and the death of her two daughters. Sheila, mother of two, was killed by a drunk driver. Sherri, mother of three, died of cervical cancer two and a half years later. Now the mother wonders how to survive with only four of her six children. The mind is a funny thing, and she thinks she is losing hers. With nowhere to turn, she started writing Silent Killers, hoping to increase awareness of cancer and drunk drivers and the devastation that they cause. They will kill anyone of any age. Now in honor of both daughters, she hopes to save the sanity and lives of others and increase public awareness of two silent killers. Maybe her story will help others to overcome the never-ending nightmares that still plague her mind.

Get a copy today : Amazon

This book is going to be a real tear jerker. I can't wait to read it. I have read some of the reviews for Linda's book and they are absolutely astounding. I wanted to share one of them here, but you can see all reviews on You can also visit her author page to learn more: Linda Pannett

5.0 out of 5 stars A Must Read, May 31, 2004
Silent Killers is a heartbreaking non-fiction book about two beautiful women that died to soon. Linda Pannett puts her heart and soul in telling the story of her daughters. As you read you will get to know these two lovely girls and grow to love them as their family did. Having to say goodbye to two children is almost more than any mother should have to do. Pannett will have you grieving with her as she brings you with her on the road to the loss of her beloved daughters.

I would recommend this book to everyone. It will break your heart. And it will make you mad that people take life for granted everyday without thought to how they will hurt others with one wrong decision. If ever I have read a book that is a must read it is Silent Killers.