Monday, June 21, 2010

BP Oil Spill has America in an Uproar

Well it appears that the Chief Executive for BP Oil keeps putting his foot in his mouth!  Though BP claims that they are diligently working to "attach a giant garden hose cap" on the oil spill and are going to keep at it until the oil has all been cleaned up,  Tony Hayward took a holiday over the weekend to Yacht around England.  He has made the statement that "he has his life back".  

Though there is much controversy about the way Tony Hayward is handling the BP Oil spill,  he will remain in charge until all controversy and PR mistakes have been cleared.  Right now,  the cost of the oil spill has reached $2 Billion.  Their recovery rate has increased 11%  from 30,000 barrels a day to 60,000 barrels a day.

It does appear that the Obama Administration is demanding and forcing that BP become "more aggressive"  in their efforts.  Where they were only using one relief well,  they are now using two.

How do you feel the US Government has handled this oil spill?  Do you think Obama has done what he should have as our President?

I have come across a fantastic poll by  If you would like to participate and have your voice heard,  please visit:

In the meantime,  if you would like to donate to help support the efforts of the Mexican Gulf Disaster, you can visit National Wildlife Foundation ,  or in an effort to help in the crisis,   Lily Oak put together a book titled Hope Ocean,  and all proceeds will go to wildlife charities for the Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster.

This book was put together in just 7 days with donated submissions from across the board.  Please help in the efforts to support Wildlife and purchase this book today.  Don't forget to take the poll at NewsMax and let your voice be heard.

Bibliograpy:  Fox News,  Christian Science Monitor,  and Business Week.