Tuesday, April 27, 2010

***** Review of Flaherty's Crossing by Kaylin McFarren

Flaherty's Crossing by Kaylin McFarren was a phenomenal read! An emotional story with gripping events from beginning to end!

Kate Flaherty is torn with emotion and anger, as she sits watching her Dad on his death bed. Morphine inflicted, Collin Flaherty reveals a secret he has been keeping most of Kate's life.

Trying to sort through it all, Kate is confronted with a deer on her way home from visiting her sick Father. Swerving to miss, she finds herself bruised and banged up, and her vehicle not working.

She tredges down the road, coming to an old diner. She enters to find a lone gentleman working, waiting for his wife to arrive. Phone lines are down, and Kate has no choice but to wait for ride.

As she begins talking to "Mick", she finds herself devulging pieces of her life she has never allowed to be told. As she confronts her feelings about her past, and her husband Drew, she realizes she too may have to take some of the blame for their differences.

When she suddenly realizes there is no cord to the phone, she becomes panicked, fleeing the diner in search of a house. Chastising herself for ever trusting a stranger, and sore from the accident, her husband finds her to take her home.

Then the dreaded call came, "I'm sorry - I never get used to making these calls. Kate, your father passed away after you left."

Grief stricken that she didn't have just one more day, Kate and Drew arrange for the funeral, and start rebuilding their lives. As Kate prepares, going through her Dad's personal items, she learns things about her father she never knew, some things she never wanted to know.

Flaherty's Crossing is truly an emotional roller coaster ride. McFarren did a fantastic job drawing the reader in, keeping you wanting more. In this heart-wrenching tale, of self discovery to forgiveness, you will not be able to put this book down until you have finished it.

I give Flaherty's Crossing ***** (5) Stars, BK Walker, Author of "Near Suicide" and "Dares And Dreams". http://bkwalkerbooks.weebly.com

Learn more about this author - Kaylin McFarren

Purchase a copy of Flaherty's Crossing
